About the Breed: The Loyal Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a highly intelligent and noble breed. Although these dogs sometimes get a bad rap, they make excellent guard dogs and will be a great addition to any family with the right training.

Ladd Corso is an AKC-registered Cane Corso breeder in Atlanta. We love our Cane Corsos — and we want to share that love with you. Learn more about the breed here, then reach out to us for updates on our available purebred Cane Corso puppies.

What is a Cane Corso?

Cane Corso (pronounced "KAH-Nay KOR-So") is an Italian dog breed with roots that can be traced back to ancient Rome. These dogs are members of the mastiff family, characterized by their large size and mild tempers. Cane Corso literally translates to “bodyguard dog” in Latin — these dogs are bred to love and protect their humans!

The average Cane Corso stands about 23 -28 inches tall and can weigh up to 130 pounds when full-grown. Despite their size, they are generally calm, quiet, and gentle with their people. Cane Corsos have short, easy to manage coats and can come in a wide range of colors, including brindle patterns.


Cane Corso Behavior

Like any breed, Cane Corsos are shaped by their environments. A great owner makes a great dog! Most Cane Corsos are quiet and easygoing, although they like to have plenty of exercise throughout the day.

Your purebred Cane Corso will be smart and highly trainable. Once they bond with their owners, they become incredibly loyal. You can expect plenty of love and snuggles, but an intruder in the house won’t get the same treatment.

Training and Maintenance

At Ladd Corso, we start training our Cane Corso puppies from day 1. By the time you bring your dog home, they’ll be potty trained and excited to learn. We recommend basic obedience lessons and socialization for all puppies.

Our dogs are responsibly bred and healthy. With routine vet checkups and basic grooming, they’ll live long, happy lives. Be ready to exercise your Cane Corso at least twice a day, especially when he’s a puppy!

Who Should Get a Cane Corso?

If you’re looking for an exceptionally loyal dog that will protect your home and family, a Cane Corso is a great choice. These dogs are gentle giants with a ton of muscle and lots of love to give. Make sure you have enough time in your schedule to exercise and train your puppy every day. Remember, these are big dogs, so you’ll want enough space for them to comfortably settle into your home.

Looking for More Info?

Want to learn more about Cane Corsos to find out if this breed is right for you? We’re happy to help! Contact Ladd Corso today to learn more about the breed — you just might meet your new best friend.

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